Whole Hog Games

User Content Policy

The copyright cops have put the fear of lawsuits into people lately, so here is our official stance on user content, such as let's plays.

You may, and are encouraged to, engage in the following without our explicit permission:

  • You may make videos of Full Bore, such as let's plays, reviews, game guides, etc, and post them on video sites like YouTube.
  • You may livestream Full Bore via streaming services like TwitchTV.
  • You may monetize those videos/streams through partner programs, such as YouTube monetization or TwitchTV ads.
  • You may make funny gifs, memes and fan art of Full Bore.

Most importantly, send us anything and everything you make about Full Bore. Our contact links are on the upper right of this page!

What you may NOT do:

  • You may not charge a fee to view your videos/gifs/etc of Full Bore, nor may you sell or license the aforementioned content to others for payment of any kind.
  • Distribute copyrighted game assets seperately (i.e. you may not upload a music track from Full Bore to a service such as SoundCloud or YouTube)

It also goes without saying that you should not use music or other media in your videos that you don't own the rights to, but that's between you and the copyright cops, boar.

Questions? Email fullbore@wholehog-games.com